Green Lab, the first one-stop eco-solutions manufacturing plant in Singapore, opened its doors in 200,000 sqft factory in Tuas on 12th May 2022, signalling a significant step towards a more sustainable future.
Green Lab was launched by Singapore print agency Print Lab and Times Printers, a member of F&N’s Times Publishing Group. The launch event was attended by many industry leaders, government officials, and members of the media.
Equipped with cutting-edge technology and machinery, the plant is expected to create value-adding job opportunities and more exciting innovation in the sustainable packaging industry. The fully automated manufacturing process also reduced labour reliance and enhanced cost competitiveness in for corporations to embark on the sustainability journey.
Green Lab’s CEO Muralikhrishnan Rangan, spoke at the launch event, highlighting the challenges that come with promoting sustainability in a highly competitive market. He emphasized the importance of collaboration between government, industry, and consumers in developing sustainable solutions that are both economically viable and environmentally friendly.
Green Lab will continue to strengthen its commitment to plastic reduction and devote resources to innovate new eco-solutions for the everchanging landscape of packaging needs.