Who doesn’t want to
save the Earth?
We all want to do our part for the planet. But sometimes, the onslaught of corporate challenges may lead companies to question if being eco-friendly is worth all the trouble.
Supply chains supply challenges.
Why isn’t there a way to conveniently source sustainable products?
Shipping products from overseas harms the environment
Air and sea freight generate unsustainable amounts of carbon emission.
Warehousing poses logistical challenges
Ordering in bulk from overseas to save on shipping makes product storage a logistical nightmare.
Stocking challenges cause constant uncertainty
Unpredictable supply chain situations don’t leave much room for alternatives.
Eco equals expensive.
Why are there no products that make sense environmentally and monetarily?
Affordable eco-friendly products are few and far between
Products manufactured in developed countries tend to cost more.
Labour costs increase product pricing
Inefficient production costs and extra labour results in expensive products.
Low-cost products are not quality assured
For developing countries, compromising on cost usually means compromising on quality.
Sustainable support is hard to find.
Why is it so challenging to find a partner who supports your sustainability goals?
Companies need to meet sustainability KPI
Corporations are beginning to aspire towards greater environmental friendliness.
Difficult to hit targets without the right partner
Vendors not aligned with your sustainable goals will not provide adequate support
Lack of genuine support makes environmental efforts exhausting
Sourcing sustainable products without a constant vendor can feel like a lonely task.